Zine Resource Room Launched!
Now the Ministry of Zines has a three-dimensional home!
On a balmy Friday night in the old Balfours building, ribbons were cut to officially open the new Ministry of Zines/Fringe Zine Resource Room! The Room contains a photocopier, and sundry office supplies so that you too can make your very own photocopied wonders in preparation for the upcoming 2007 Adelaide Zine & DIY Fair!
Donations of extra stationary are most welcome, as are posters and notices for upcoming DIY-related events or projects!
A huge thanks to everyone who came out to celebrate the opening of the Zine sweat-box, and to Rino, Penny, Roxy, Adrian, Sophie and all others who helped with food, decoration and getting the thing off the ground!
The Zine Resource Room is open from 11.00am - 3.00pm Monday-Friday.
Labels: free, launch, photocopier, room, zines
would you like a box full of different coloured A4 paper?
We'd love a box of different coloured A4 paper!
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